Japonya-Tsushima Belediye Başkanı, Ahmediye Cemaati’nin büyük cami projesini övdü…

Japonya-Tsushima Belediye Başkanı, Ahmediye Cemaati’nin büyük cami projesini övdü…

Japan: Tsushima Mayor praises Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, welcomes largest mosque project

Mr. Anees Ahmad Nadeem introduced Islam Ahmadiyyat and clarified the concept of Jihad and explained about the peace promoting and interfaith activities of the World Wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | Int’l Desk Source/Credit: AMJ Japan
By Media release | June 19, 2014
Mr. Hibi Kazuaki welcomed the biggest mosque project of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Tsushima City Japan.
He expressed his feeling during the meeting with Mr. Anees Ahmad Nadeem President & Missionary In charge of the Oldest Muslim Community in Japan, Established on 4th June 1935.The Community is well known as a peace loving and law abiding Muslims in Japan.

Mr. Hibi Kazuaki was informed about the current project of the biggest mosque in Japan, which is being built in Tsushima City. Mr. Hibi praised the volunteer efforts of Ahmadiyya Community Japan after TheGreat East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011.
Mr. Anees Ahmad Nadeem introduced Islam Ahmadiyyat and clarified the concept of Jihad and explained about the peace promoting and interfaith activities of the World Wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
Mr. Hibi the Mayor of Tsushima City aimed and wished that the biggest mosque in Japan will play a great role to inculcate harmony and understanding between Islam & Japanese People.
Read original post here: Japan: Mayor of Tsushima City welcomes, praises Ahmadiyya Community of Japan
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